Thursday, April 23, 2009

Seat Belts

A last-ditch effort to allow police to stop drivers for not wearing their seat belts is underway in hopes of luring $20 million in federal funds to the state. State Rep. Joe Rice, D-Littleton, said that in the past he has sponsored seat-belt bills because they save lives, but this time, part of his motive is federal transportation dollars offered to states as an incentive for tougher seat-belt laws. "Twenty-million dollars in our economy; I think that's huge," he said. The bill, by Rice and Senate President pro tem Betty Boyd, D-Lakewood, is scheduled to be introduced this week.

The seat belt debate is on again here in Colorado. 20 million dollars of Federal Monies at stake.
We just went through this, but there was not all that free cash to be had...

Some suggestions to the law-makers.
Seat belts should not be required on I-70...seeing as how no one goes fast enough to warrant them.

I like the Texas drivers who have their names stamped into their seat belts, with a gun holster attached. The seat belt could also be used as a really cool bandalero!

I am proud to say that in every red-light camera picture they have ever sent me I am wearing my seat belt as I run the light.

This is Colorado; ski state USA.
They should just put a chair lift safety bar as manditory equipment in each car.
However, I bet that even if I was driving alone, someone would find a way to drop the bar on my head without telling me.

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